Experience You Can Count On, Working in >500 GP Sites

Our services deliver the benefits of having a pharmacist on site in your practice, whether they’re there in person or dialing into your practice system remotely via our secure NHS connection, our pharmacists will add value to your team.

We are a trusted partner to the NHS, our team have have a wealth of experience in operating a at a range of NHS levels, from ICS-wide pharmacist services to individual practices requiring ‘little and often’ support we have a solution for you.

Service Options

Script Hub

A team of Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians, dialling in remotely to support prescription related workload, from requests, medication reviews, updating recalls and ensuring that drug monitoring is up-to-date. Our service aims to support where GP time can be saved by picking up this workload.


  • Reduce GP script workload
  • Add capacity to manage repeat medicines and medication reviews at recall
  • Remote options allow for better use of clinic space on site


A flexible offering, we can support with the recruitment, employment and leadership of a full GP Pharmacy team. For PCNs with a team in place this offer can be tailored to focus on adding value where needed, this may be providing a training lead, a senior pharmacist to lead the team, deliver 1-1’s for competency assessment.


  • We employ and performance manage the team
  • Reduce burden of clinical supervision as our team deal with this
  • Inject purpose into your strategy and training agenda

Extended Access Service

Supporting capacity for our GP extended access services, this is a service that can be commissioned by the hour, with a team who are ready to mobilise and can dial in remotely for sessions in the evening and weekends to improve patient access.


  • A cost-effective way of enhancing access out-of-ours vs. GP time
  • Remote options allow you to quickly and effectively grow your EA provision with rapid mobilisation and no requirement for clinic space on site

Benefits of working with The Pharmacist Network

Seamless Mobilization

We have a wealth of experience in providing practice pharmacist support to GPs, we have developed a way of working to maximize the value our pharmacist brings and encourage integration into your team.

Quality Assurance

We have established robust clinical governance structures covering all aspects of incident reporting and management to meet the standards that you expect. All pharmacists meet clinical and mandatory training modules and are assessed against a competency framework.

Hassle-Free Recruitment

Finding trusted pharmacists is a big benefit of using our service, we find, train and retain experienced pharmacists to deliver our service. If we don’t have a ready to mobilize pharmacist in our team we are happy to recruit and manage this process end to end.

See what our customers have to say about working with us!

“The specialist support, skills and knowledge that TPN brings into the PCN is in excess of what we could deliver internally, and removes a huge demand on the lead GPs.”

PCN Manager

The team are supported with additional learning and advice beyond the standard I see in neighbouring PCNs. Appraisals, development, embedding good practice all provided. Team meetings and 1-2-1’s are hugely beneficial. 

Practice Manager